Painting classes in Clevedon

How very exciting is this?! Very, I tell you, very!!

I have an honest passion for helping people get to where they want to be… and the most frustrating things I hear all the time are, “I wish I was good at art” or “I don’t know where to start”. This is like a bull to a red flag for me. The short answer is YOU ARE GREAT when you embrace YOUR STYLE!

One of the hardest things as an artist and perhaps as a human, is to give yourself the freedom to be yourself. To express yourself in an authentic and truthful way. Society bombards us with sounds and images, flavours and ideas, which sometimes leave little room for our minds to breathe. What really goes on in our heads when we stop listening to the opinions of others? We can tap into this sacred space when we start to create from our internal energy and the depths of our gut instincts. I made that sound a bit ‘hammy,’ I know, but creating art is less – painting by numbers – but more – singing in the shower.

Be brave and paint like no one is watching!

So, how about it?! Reconnect with your creative side and join me for six weeks of exploring different techniques as you gain confidence and learn how to make your mark!